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Libérer le cloud : Libravatar au lieu de Gravatar

Le Libre soulève de nombreuses questions, notamment sur la vente liée, les verrous numériques, les libertés numériques.., Parlons-en avec écoute et respect de l'autre.

Lun 31 Jan, 2011 01:57

Freeing the Cloud, one service at a time (Linux.Conf.Au 2011)

As more and more computing moves into someone else's data centre (i.e. the Cloud), users and companies are losing direct control ***spam*** their data and processes. The risks they used to be able to mitigate by using Free and Open Source software are starting to become apparent.

So what can be done to continue to enjoy the software freedom that we have come to appreciate in the desktop computing world? Just like the task of building a completely FOSS operating system in the 1980s looked like an impossible dream, having a completely free online life appears to be quite a big task. Thankfully, many people are now tackling this problem and starting to build freedom-respecting options, one service at a time.

This talk will introduce Libravatar, a Django-based project to provide a federated alternative to the Gravatar profile image hosting service, a centralised web service used by a very large number of social sites around the world.

While Libravatar looks like a fairly simple service, there are a number of challenges in implementing a Gravatar-compatible API in a highly scalable way. The naive webapp approach will not handle the amount of traffic that Gravatar is subject to every hour and a number of technical tricks are necessary.

J'ai trouvé toujours suspect le service gravatar : qu'y gagne la société qui le finance ? Voici une alternative...
Linux : il y a moins bien, mais c'est plus cher

Messages : 3854
Géo : Ile de France

Lun 31 Jan, 2011 11:48

Houuuuu !!! C'est très bon, ça ! \o/

Pour moi qui vient de me faire un nouvel avatar, je sens que je vais tester ça très bientôt.

Merci bien antistress. ;)
Y'en a Debian ! Y'en a Debiaaaaaaan !
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Jeu 15 Sep, 2011 10:16

Linux : il y a moins bien, mais c'est plus cher

Messages : 3854
Géo : Ile de France

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