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Windows 7: Même Linus Torvalds en est content !

Tout ce qui est un peu hors-sujet mais qui peut se partager...

Sam 24 Oct, 2009 13:26

Bonjour à tous,

Le titre du topic est repris de celui de PCInpact sur cet article : ... -linux.htm

Toujours très amusant comme photo !

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Messages : 1531
Géo : Dole (39) - Strasbourg (67)

Dim 25 Oct, 2009 09:26

En remontant à la source.

During a break, we decided to make some fun of Microsoft and dragged Linus ***spam*** there. When we arrived there, Linus was sold immediately on the product as you can see in the picture. At least that's what the sales guy thought. He obviously had no idea who he was dealing with. But in the end Linus surprisingly did not buy a copy. Wise man!

J'ai vu par hasard, Microsoft Linux...
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