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Helix, du Real OpenSource pour Linux ?

Questions, suggestions, critiques, rapport de bugs... autour des forums, du blog, de l'annuaire et du framadvd

Dim 07 Mars, 2004 23:33

C'est pas la premiere fois que j'entends parler de ce projet Helix (plus ou moins) libre autour du format Real.

Si quelqu'un veut nous en dire plus, voire carrement le referencer dans notre annuaire s'il le juge interessant et mature...

Pour la licence voici ce que cela donne :

Because the Helix Player contains a lot of technology, the licensing is a little complicated. Of particular note:
Most of the source code for this player is available under a dual license. You may choose the open source RPSL, or the commercially-oriented RCSL, which will give you access to the player source code.
RealAudio, RealVideo and the RDT packet format component of the RTSP/RDT protocol are available under the Helix DNA Technology Binary Research Use License.
Precompiled binaries are available which include support for RealAudio, RealVideo and RDT. Thus, agreement to the Helix DNA Technology Binary Research Use License is also required. We do not offer compiled binaries without RealAudio and RealVideo. That said, if you are interested, you may compile a version of the Helix Player without RealAudio/RealVideo support and freely distribute it per the open source RPSL.
We apologize for the inconvenience this may cause, and are working to streamline this process.

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