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Mar 21 Déc, 2004 18:25


Cette fois, cela semble être confirmé sur la liste Escape_l :

From: [FL]
Subject: Brevets logiciels: la Pologne fait repousser le vote au Conseil
Date: Tue, 21 Dec 2004 17:41:27 +0100

Confirmation par la FFII de l'inattendu report du vote sur les brevets
logiciels au Conseil européen. C'est bien la Pologne qui a tout bloqué,
comme annoncé dans le mail précédent. L'info est confirmée par les porte-paroles du Conseil

C'est aussi annoncé sur la page d'accueil de la FFII.FR.

:) :) :)



Messages : 2281
Géo : Paris

Mar 21 Déc, 2004 18:26

"C déjà ca !"...
:-: Auteur :-:
:-: (LAL, GNU/FDL) :-:

Messages : 256

Mar 21 Déc, 2004 18:39

C'est confirmé aussi sur ZDNET UK :
L'article en anglais

Et ceci grâce notamment à la Pologne qui a demandé un retrait du vote de l'ordre du jour !

L'espoir renaït !

Messages : 870

Mar 21 Déc, 2004 18:49

Le débat est disponible au format OGG-VORBIS :
le débat
(Ecoutez le fichier vers 7 mn 30)

Messages : 870

Mar 21 Déc, 2004 18:54


Merci à la Pologne, donc.

Voici la transcription de l'intervention Polonaise (sur le wiki de la FFII) :

Chairman Mr Veerman:
    The common position that we will adopt in a moment has been debated
    laboriously and for a long time during the preparatory activities in
    the Council. The text in front of us is carefully balanced and is a
    compromise on which the Council reached, with a qualified majority,
    an agreement in May.

    After the formal adoption today, the text will be sent to the
    European Parliament. I am convinced we are all ***spam*** to
    the start of the discussions in the EP, hoping that potential
    misunderstandings between the Council and the EP can be cleared, and
    that the road to the definite adoption of this important draft
    directive can be opened.

    In document 16120/04 ADD1, you can find the declarations of the
    Commission, and of the Hungarian, Latvian and Dutch delegations. The
    Council will approve the incorporation of these declarations in the

    I see that Polands want to say something. Poland can speak.
Wlodzimierz Marcinski, Poland's undersecretary of state at the Ministry of Science and Information:
    Mr Chairman, Mr Comisioner, High Council.

    Poland with determination opt for unambiguous expression in the law of
    European Union issues connected with the patentability of the computer
    implemented inventions which the same time shall secure that computer
    programs are excluded from patentability.

    This position results from the fact, that the lack of order of such matters
    which manifests both with difference in practice in particular European Union
    countries as well as in acting of European Patent Office which has issued
    many thousands of patents for computer programs are clearly noticeable.

    In opinion of Poland this process should not be continued in such scale.

    Poland having in mind the necessity of further research on directive project
    to strength the legal reliability (...) the enterprises in area of reserch,
    development do not withdraw its support for common position leading for
    second hearing.

    Poland however bring for withdrawal of the item concerning the project of
    directive of European Parliament and the Council on Computer Implemented
    Inventions from A list of the agenda of this Council meeting.

    Polish Government needs still more time for preparing and deliver to the
    Council appropriate statement in the matter which is an object of the

    In our opinion such statement will be balanced, constructive in direction to
    work out European compromise.

    We think that some crucial items in the text of the project resulting from
    the May 18th meeting of the Council are not in favour to function of small
    and middle enterprises.

    We back up the unambiguous legal instruments which shall guarantee that the
    computer implemented inventions shall be pattentable but the computer
    programs or its parts shall be certainly unpatentable.

Chairman Mr Veerman:
    Yes, I understand the Polish intervention in such a way that it
    concerns a request to take this point off the list, because Poland
    still desires a few more specifications regarding certain points. I
    propose to honour this request.

    Yes? Then point 16 has been removed from the A-items list. The
    Yes, Mr President, may I say that the Commission regrets the
    withdrawal of this item from the agenda, as the Commission attaches
    great importance to its own proposal, as well as the agreement on
    the common position that was reached during the Competitiveness
Chairman Mr Veerman:
    I propose to take note of this remark of the Commission. And I stand
    by my proposal to remove point 16 of the agenda. That is the case,
    so then that is decided. Then move to point 15 ...

Puis un autre article de ITRmanager.



Messages : 2281
Géo : Paris

Mar 21 Déc, 2004 21:15


Messages : 2281
Géo : Paris

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