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Traduction de la pétition

Le Libre soulève de nombreuses questions, notamment sur la vente liée, les verrous numériques, les libertés numériques.., Parlons-en avec écoute et respect de l'autre.

Mer 07 Déc, 2005 21:55

Des copains americains de la communaute Open Source souhaiteraient que
le texte de la petition ait une version anglaise. Je vous suggere de mettre sur
le site (apres relecture et corrections, bien sur):

Mister the President of the Republic, Mister the Prime Minister,

The government declared the urgency on the law project DADVSI (Copyrights and related rights in information society – n°1206, ), that should transpose the directive EUCD (European Union Copyright Directive – 2001/29CE).

This law project is scheduled to be presented to the National assembly during two night meetings close together, at the end of the month of December 2005.

In view of the importance of the issues mentioned in this text on daily life for millions of citizens and millions of users of numerical data, in view of social, technological, economical and geo-stratégical consequences, in view of the conditions in which this text was written, such a delay is obviously insufficient.

Since nearly three years the members of the initiative EUCD.INFO (, as well as many associations, inform, meet and debate to explain the severe consequences that could result from a transposition "a minima" of the EUCD directive into French law. Now the law project number 1206 goes much further than this directive.

Besides, the debate about this text was stifled under grounds of it being an experts debate. The opinions of those in opposition with the interests of the multinational corporations were censored. Certain groups of people, such as the French small and medium sized businesses of the IT sector, the authors and the users of free software programs, the netsurfers or the librarians were not able to contribute to the debate in the decision instances. Their requests went unheard and the requests of the representatives of artists and the associations of consumers were rejected without real examination of their relevance.

We run the risk of the same thing happening if the law project is examined in urgency by the parliamentary members.

By this petition, I therefore solemnly ask you:
- to withdraw the law project n° 1206 about the copyright from the planning of the parliamentary day session;
- to organize a true debate between the concerned parties aiming to find a real equilibrium. To organise this debate so that the associations of authors and the associations of users of free software programs, of librarians, and of netsurfers actually will be able to participate;
- to insure that the requests, among other of the EUCD.INFO initiative and of the interassociation of the archivists, librarians and researchers ( are taken into account.

By signing this petition, I associate myself with the numerous organizations that clearly oppose themselves to the terms of this law project and to the conditions of its elaboration.
Nuisance Value

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